Saturday, October 29, 2011

'Cause when you're fifteen..

Walking to the train station this morning, I was listening to some Taylor swifty "Fifteen" to be specific and this song pretty much somes up my fifth form year, so I thought I would do my best to offer some advice in those areas, as I didnt always make the best choices. Some advice I thought I would give to tthose who maybe around this age.

When I was fifteen/ sixteen I had started my fifth form year, just stopped doing rowing (my main sport that I did when I went to college) and pretty much had my first serious boyfriend.

First verse.
School: Rosehill College
I legitamily miss high school, I miss the structure, the people and the environment. Enjoy college! When you leave of course you are happy but every time I drive past my old school something in me kind of aches, maybe this ache is fuelled with regret or sentences that begin with " I should have..." Get involved with anything or everything that you can.

Second verse.
Your friends.
At college I went through different friend groups, in year 9 I began to hang with my friends that I had, had since primary and intermediate, things change, when your not in the classes with them, as sad as it sounds you tend to move on and make new friends. I became very good friends with a few girls that I did rowing with and I thought it was great! until...I realised what back stabbing was. I don't know if it was because I was so young at intermediate but I didn't experience any of that! I was shocked to figure out how bitchy girls can be. To be honest it really hurt. Continued to be friends with other girls at rowing and that didn't always feel great because they were both literally size 8 and gorgeous! I was a good size 12 so I don't know what I was so depressed about but hanging with them I kinda felt like the outcast. Until I met my friend Shannon, she was pretty gangster! She was/is funny, kind and you can pretty much trust her with anything. We stuck together like glue and today are still good friends. We had some funny times and some hard times, a true friend is how they stick around during the hard times and are there to help pick you back up. My point is, sometimes it takes awhile to find a true friend but when you do, hold onto them and appreciate them. They got your back yo!

Third verse (not sure if its called that but meh)
Mistakes & Boys.
In terms of regrets or being able to go back and change something from my college years or when I was fifteen, its not so much surrounded with my friends or boys, but I would go back and tell myself to concentrate more on school. It is so important to try your best at school! The exams you take today really do count, they predict your future. If your going to muck around, muck around in year 9 and 10 and focus and go hard in 5ht and 6th. Its hard trying to find a job without qualifications. Make it happen. I have some friends that are going so hard at college. They are inspiring!
I had my first serious boyfriend in fifth form, and like what Taylor says "Back then I swore I was gonna
marry him someday, but I realized some bigger dreams of mine" you really do think that. It wasn't the best 2 and 1/2 years but I grew and learnt a lot from that part in my life. If you are going to date throughout college which I guess it is almost impossible these days to not, try find a guy, that treats you like a queen. Actually don't try, Do! Any guy you date should be pretty darn happy that he scored a babe like you, therefore worship the ground you walk on. Some guys are dicks but there are some fantastic ones out there, they may be rare. Gotta go through a lot of rubbish to find the gems. I have one and he's fantastic.

Final Chorus
Be you!
College is a hard time in your life because your tryna figure out who you are and you have school pressure plus hormones running through you, stay strong! Stick to your morals! and finally trust your conscious. Every person should be unique, following the crowd tends to be boring after awhile.

Hope my rambles made some sense. Enjoy college!

Your very first day
Take a deep breath girl
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors


  1. Mean post gee :)
    I liked reading this (not so) little snippet of your high school life. I didn't realise how much you and T-Sweezy had in common :P

  2. Right Laws?

    Gosh I wish I could be in high school again too... Things were heaps simpler.

    Lots of wise words in this post :)

  3. Wise post baby, I agree with everything you wrote! Finally got round to reading this, I'm glad I did right.

    Man girls are intense, when I was in High School, if a guy didn't like me I just wouldn't hang out with them and that'd be that right, lawl.

    But hey, I'm just glad that things happen for a reason, because everything we experienced separately in school put us on our own paths that would eventually meet, so for that I'm thankful :D

    Oh and now I'm gonna think of you every time I hear that song haha
