I was lucky enough to go to Rainbows End twice this week, for those who don't know what Rainbows End is, its pretty much New Zealand's only theme park. Was fun! But I remember it being so much more exciting when I was younger. When I was in intermediate I remember going on the roller coaster, that was like 10 years ago, from then on I have never gone back on. I guess for the obvious reason. Since intermediate I have been back to the park several times and declared to who every I was with that "sorry I don't go on that ride.." and I meant it. So when I returned this week with my school, there were a good couple of hundred kids running around the park. One of the students from my school asked me if I would go on the roller coaster with them, as ready as I was to blurt out my usually reply I looked at her, you could tell she was kinda scared. I agreed acting like it was nothing to me, so as macho as I was trying to be I couldn't hide my nervousness as I got on to what so many people call an amateur roller coaster and " oh that's nothing compared to Australia.." can you not.
Afterwards I was pretty happy with myself and I really enjoyed it. I think in my head I had held onto the fear I felt when I was 12, but at 22 I kinda wanted that fear and excitement because the Pirate Ship just wasn't cutting it.
Apart from coming down with the flu which I'm sure my boss thinks I am faking because I went to rainbows end twice and then called in sick for the last few days, while I was at home I streamed the Victoria Secret 2011 Runway Show, not sure if that is the right name for it but it was awesome to watch! I am sure those models have the most fun! So in relation to the title of this blog post, here are a few of my favs.
The Passion Collection was my favourite.

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