Ello there, just a few awesome and not so awesome things I found this week. Chur.

Ammmazing! This site has some cheap as accessories, one of the rings was $2.80 I think. I added most of the above stuff to the cart and with combined postage it came to about $50.00, which is really good. Check the site out.

Miss Selena! This was my favourite outfit from the EMA'S. I love the bejewelled shorts and the pumping heels, oh and her legs. Wow..

Queen/ Freddie Mercury

Breaking Dawn,
I watched this movie in the early hours of this morning and it is totally worth feeling like a zombie at work! I’m not too sure about the new director Bill Condon's style for this and the next movie, to me it was quite obvious the different style, at some points seaming a lil budget? Spec with the werewolf scenes which was a mini downfall after seeing them in Eclipse. Another buzz kill moment for me was the music, I was disappointed to see that Muse are not on the soundtrack but Bruno Mars is... I am all about Bruno but the past Twilight movie soundtracks have been very indie and some what poppy? I do love the song by Christina Perri " A Thousand Years". The positives for sure out way the negatives in this movie. As a loyal fan I applaud Condon for his loyalty to the book, not changing much at all.
Douche or not, I love Kanye and I was thoroughly disappointed that hens not coming to Big Day Out 2011. Here’s hoping he comes back this year.