Thursday, February 24, 2011

For ChCh...

My sister and I got a lil creative and came up with this... Our country has been shaken the last couple of days due to the Christchurch earthquake, the death toll is feared to be up to 200.
Please visit to donate what you can!
Keep Christchurch in your prayers! ♥

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy New Year?

So far this year it has been very testing time in my life, I can honestly say it has been the hardest time yet. Losing everything I have ever had has been so hard! an incredibly testing time with myself, my surroundings and with God.

No matter what I go through I am a strong believer of "..if God brought you to it, he will bring you through it." and i haven’t questioned my faith in this situation (who am I to question God anyway).I know these things happen for a reason and I know my God cares about me more than anyone in this world.

His love for me always brings me back down to earth and makes me remember what is important in life.

John 15:12-14 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. TNIV
I got some great advice from many people but my little sister said to be grateful for the things that I do have:
  • I still have my clothes, in saying this buying a new wardrobe would be cool :)

  • I have all my framed pictures which are extremely important to me, I am all about capturing those moments :)

  • annnnd my Alf. Alf was like my comfort toy that in some cases I couldn’t sleep without, once when I was younger I went to my grandparents and when I went up there I would stay for like the entire school holidays (2 weeks) and I forgot him. My nana was trying to help and gave me like a doll that was really like a toilet roll cosy thing.. I got Alf couriered up to me the next day. He is 21 like me (my first gift I was given after I was born) and where ever I go..he goes :) he has been to Australia and Bali. I’m so grateful I still have him.

I’m blessed to have awesome family and friends who have been such an awesome support.
The Huberians are God sent!

So I still look forward to what the rest of the year will bring!
Going to blog more as well, back in the habit!

He looks scary I know lol. ♥ Alf